Pets Corner Outsource Invoice Processing
With the business growing rapidly, we knew that it was essential for the Accounts Payable team to be utilising the latest, most innovative technology. We knew that the business would be receiving around 3,000 more invoices every month and we need to have systems in place to deal with them.
-Iain Dougal, Financial Director
The Challenge
With significant growth expected, Pets Corner looked to DaylightAT for handling growth within their Accounts Department. With the business expansion and increase in the amount of purchase invoices received, Pets Corner Financial Director, Iain Dougal, wanted to ensure that his back office solutions kept pace.
The requirements were clear: preserve the current validation, verification and notification provided in-house by a combination of systems and manual efforts by staff; ensure invoice data is checked for accuracy at header and line item level; provide a match to goods received; and generate automatic “Credit Requests” to Suppliers if mismatches occur.
The Solution
With clear requirements identified, DaylightAT designed, built and implemented a cloud based and outsourced Invoice Processing solution. DaylightAT uses innovative technology provided by Cumulus Pro, a leading digital transformation company for rapid enterprise process transformation.
The solution combines established applications with custom-written components. Invoices with all the correct information pass through processing and validation workflows with no user intervention.
DaylightAT automatically checks the invoice data against purchase order data including quantities, part codes and expected line totals; against product lists, including price points and pack quantities; against goods-received entries, including quantities, locations and part codes; against Supplier Names and Codes; and applies nominal codes and descriptions, store names and cost centre codes.
The business benefits to Pets Corner have been significant.
Grow Without Increasing Back Office Staff
Increased in store numbers from 100 to 165, along with an increase in products, suppliers and invoices, but no increase in administration staff.
Handle Increased Volumes More accurately
Handle an increase from 2,500 invoices to nearly 5,500 total invoices per month.
Strengthen Supplier Relationships
Pay suppliers promptly and accurately, while improving communications through automation.
Cost Savings
Pets Corner estimates a cost-savings of ±£40,000 in the first year.
Download the Pets Corner Case Study
Be sure to read the whole case study, available here in PDF format
Your Company Can Achieve the Same Results
DaylightAT can replicate and customise our services for any organisation faced with combining manual labour with systems tasks. Contact us now to find out how.