Accounts Receivable
Effective document management is essential for Accounts Receivable.
Your Accounts Receivable team are responsible for securing your income in a timely manner. When there is a dispute or a query, accessing and delivering the correct documentation is critical.
In order for your organisation to maintain high levels of customer service, you need to be able to process orders quickly and efficiently. And you need to communicate with your customers efficiently as well. Proofs of delivery, shipping documents, bills of lading, order fulfilment – these and others are essential backup documentation.
DaylightAT works with Accounts Receivable teams to replace labour-intensive manual processes with efficient, paperless solutions. We provide outsource services that save companies money, or we can show you how to improve processes internally using advanced capture and data processing solutions.
- Eliminate lost or misplaced files, duplicate records and extraneous information.
- Leverage existing technology investments.
- Increase accuracy.
- Eliminate bottlenecks.
- Present invoices electronically or offer ongoing online access.
- Interact with your ERP.
- Provide proofs and backup documentation immediately.
- Resolve disputes quickly and easily.
- retrieve documents instantly from the desktop or mobile devices.
Improve Your Customer Service and Revenue Collection.
Read more in our Project Portfolio. Or visit the Technology Overview pages to learn about these innovative document management and workflow technologies