Industry Insights

WordPress Revisited

I've been taking advantage of the slow half-term week to update the DaylightAT website. It half makes me want to dedicate more time to Wordpress development for companies, especially when I see the state of some of the websites in the document management industry....

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Private Education

DaylightAT has been expanding its projects in private education. And by that I do not mean that my extracurriculars with my kids have expanded, although that is also true. In fact I write this blog post outside a half-term gymnastics class, wherein my 5 year old...

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PaperVision WorkFlow Designer

I've had the opportunity to use most aspects of the new PaperVision WorkFlow Designer in the weeks since its release, and I'm happy to see that it's a real step forward in design and development. There are one or two areas they need to address, but the foundation is...

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Data Protection Scanning

We recently completed a large-ish backfile scanning conversion for another client in the education industry. These scanning conversions come in all shapes and sizes, and this one relatively mild, really - but they all come with their own challenges. Luckily, with a...

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Last week I downloaded SugarCRM Community Edition and am taking it for a test spin on my local network. As an independent consultant I don't need a lot of the bells and whistles of an online CRM product - I just need to manage document projects as they come in, keep...

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PaperVision Forms Magic

As per the previous post, I had a chance to see Digitech unveil the latest addition to PaperVision Capture (more later) and the long awaited forms processing solution we've all been hoping they'd write: Forms Magic. It seems some of their developers have been...

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Digitech User Meeting and Ongoing Projects

It's been some time, but at last DesignWall released an update that allows their 'Page' theme to support a blog. To be fair to them, they released it a number of weeks back, but I've only gotten around to updating it. So we begin again with the DaylightAT blog to try...

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Site Launch

Site Launch

So much for weekends, eh? Who needs 'em. My own weekend was spent building out the WordPress site (and learning Wordpress in the process). But what can you say about document management and ECM that is not already said a thousand times on every VAR and reseller site...

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I use VoIP to connect my US customers to my office here in Sussex. But sometimes it's not easy. I want to recommend this product that I use, the MagicJack, and on the surface of it the idea is pretty good - a little device that plugs into your router and you connect a...

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