Scanfree develops another PaperVision Capture custom code module.
This time we’ve given PaperVision Capture operators the ability to selectively export documents from within the PaperVision Capture Operator Console directly. Previously you would need to build a workstep into your workflow and write special code to analyse metadata and select documents for export. Now, without having to resort to the Capture workflow to perform the task, an operator can pick a subset of documents and write them out on the spot.
Scanfree’s ongoing partnerships continue to bear fruit
The requirement came from one of our clients, a scanning bureau who are PaperVision Capture end-users. They had a requirement to release requested documents immediately. Their client already had a 24 turnaround but often needed documents within hours of submission. Scanfree’s custom code solution lets a PaperVision Capture Operator perform an in-batch operation to write those documents out in a snap.
For example, if a client is having ongoing work done at a scanning service bureau, they may occasionally need access to records before the scanning bureau has completed their image processing, OCR or manual indexing tasks. The service bureau needs to deliver those documents at the client’s request – and fast.
Thanks to this recent Scanfree development, a PaperVision Capture console can call the custom code function on the spot. The user then selects records from a grid. This grid mimics the PaperVision Capture Browse Batch function, so it’s very intuitive for Capture operators. Operators select the items to be released and click the Export button – documents are written to a pre-defined network location in the format defined within the custom code, and can include index values in the file naming conventions.
Use the Functions Button to add more Code to PAperVision Capture
And of course, this custom code works well with the Functions Buttons controls for the Operator Console. Now you can run multiple code functions within a single operator workstep – completely customisable. Add this powerful functionality to existing custom code routines today.
Need to release those documents now? Scanfree and the PaperVision Capture Operator Export Grid can help. Contact Scanfree today to see how we can help.
To learn more about our cloud-based or premises-based offerings, visit our document management pages. Or read another of our client stories in the Project Portfolio.